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(yes/no) A group of candidates who worked towards the same exam? (yes/no) A group of individual candidates who all worked towards different exams but were nominated by the same applicant? (yes/no) Monitoring Question 6 How old are the candidate/s that benefited from this grant? Please enter how many candidates identify as male, female and non-binary for each category below. If you are reporting on an individual candidate, please only select the correct box relevant to them. Number of MalesNumber of FemalesNumber of non-binaryNot listed / prefer not to sayUnder 12 years old12-17 years old18-24 years old25-34 years old35-44 years old45-54 years old55-64 years old65-74 years old75 years or older Question 7 Which exam did your candidate/s take and when? Did they pass their exam? Please provide level and instrument/subject i.e. Grade 6 Piano, Grade 4 Musical Theatre solo: Name/s of candidatesDid they sit their exam? Yes/NoDid they take a face-to-face or a digital exam?What exam did your candidate/s take, including level?What date was your candidates/s exam?Did your candidate/s pass their exam? Yes/No If you cant disclose the name, please put Candidate 1, Candidate 2 and so on. Comments: Question 8 Referring to your original application, did you spend any of the grant differently to your original plan? Yes/No If yes, please tell us what was different and why this changed. Impact To help us evaluate the impact of the Music and Drama Access Fund and in order to continue offering it, we need to have a good understanding of the impact it has had on candidates, so please do tell us as much as you can. Question 9 What did your grant pay for? Question 10 Please describe the journey your candidate/s experienced when working towards and achieving their exam. Include any quotes or comments from the candidate/s and/or anyone else relevant. Please do not include any personal information about the candidate/s. Question 11 What impact did the grant have on the candidate/s? What musical/dramatic progress have they made as a result of the grant? What academic and personal progress have they made? Please do not include any personal information about the candidate/s. Question 12 What plans do your candidate/s have for the future? For example, do they plan to work towards the next grade or go to university/college to study the subject, etc? How did the Ƶ grant support these plans? Question 13 What impact has the grant had on you and the way you will approach your work in the future? This is an opportunity for you to tell us about any future plans you have for delivering Ƶ qualifications: Question 14 Is there anything further youd like to share with us to help with the future development of the Music & Drama Access Fund or anything you need extra support with regarding the Access Fund? Question 15 Do you have any other feedback or comments?     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