
Validated centres

How to submit learners for the qualification

When you have completed the validation process successfully, you will become a registered validated centre and able to enter your learners for Awards and Certificates in Musical Development. 

As a validated centre, you will have access to the °®¶¹ÊÓƵ Online , where you can perform key administrative tasks, including enrolling learners and requesting certificates. The main admin contact from your centre, as provided in your validation application form, will be issued with login details to access the centre portal. 

Request certificates 

When your centre has completed assessing and marking the work of a cohort of learners, you may request certificates for these learners via the centre portal.  

To do so, you will need to create a certificates order in the portal and submit enrolment information for each of your learners. Once you submit your order, you will receive your invoice straightaway. We will finalise and confirm your order via email within three working days. 

Submit marks 

On the date we confirm your certificates order, we will request you to provide full marks for all enrolled learners within two weeks. We will share with you a mark sheet to complete with marks for all the enrolled learners in your certificates order, and then submit to us via the portal. 

For more information on assessment of the qualifications please see the qualification specification.

Receive certificates

Your certificates will be dispatched to your centre’s registered address within four weeks from the date you submitted full marks. 


The purpose of moderation is to enable °®¶¹ÊÓƵ to seek and maintain assurance that the validated centre can conduct effective and accurate assessment of learners against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria as set out in the specification; and to assure °®¶¹ÊÓƵ that all the awards it makes are fair and reliable. Moderation is conducted through a process of sampling each cohort of learners by °®¶¹ÊÓƵ’s moderator team.  

The first cohorts for all centres will be moderated. From then on, the Centre Risk Rating (as outlined in the Validation Requirements Document) will determine the regularity of moderation moving forward.  

If your centre has been selected to be moderated, you will not receive advance notice. We will notify you only once you submit full marks for your cohort, so always ensure you collect evidence for a 20% sample of each cohort you enrol. Moderation is conducted remotely online, and centres are required to upload their selected sample on an online platform and provide access to the moderator. 

In the moderation notification email, we will provide information on the moderation process and how to prepare. The moderation process will be scheduled to commence approximately 4-6 weeks from the point you submitted your marks, and be completed within two weeks. Your assigned moderator will contact you directly prior to the moderation start date to discuss practical moderation arrangements. 

All centres will receive feedback on their moderation outcomes. If the °®¶¹ÊÓƵ moderator finds that the centre’s assessment does not match the requirements of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria, this will not result in a change of result for the learner. Instead, remedial actions will be instigated by °®¶¹ÊÓƵ to ensure that the centre’s assessments meet the required standard before the next cohort of learners are enrolled. 

For detailed information and step-by-step instructions on the full process, please read the ACMD Centre Operational Guide. 

Support and evidencing

Everything you need to support you with understanding the Sound of Intent learning and progression framework is available   including specific online training for those looking to deliver our qualfications.

If you need any support of have questions about the framework please get in touch with Sounds of Intent at a.ockelford@roehampton.ac.uk.

To support you with evidencing we will be creationg a selection of resources starting with this evidencing template.

If you need to get in touch please contact us at acmd@trinitycollege.com or call on 0203 752 4722 if you have questions about moderation.



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